Sunday, May 9, 2010

10 Traits of Irresistible Men

So I have obviously figured out what it is that I don't want in a man, but after another contemplative day, I have compiled a collection of traits that seem to be universally and undeniably sexy.  I don't know what it is, but a guy with these traits gets instant brownie points.  And makes me weak in the knees. 

A Great Sense of Humour
But not stupid humour.  Quoting South Park and Family Guy repetitively gets old real quick.  A guy with an intelligent, witty sense of humour who can make us laugh loud and laugh often, is completely and totally charming.  
Good With His Hands
Any guy who can build things, fix cars, play the guitar, cook or paint has instant points in the HOT column.  I'm not sure what it is, but knowing that a guy is good with his hands in other areas of life, might mean there's a hope in hell that he's good with his hands in bed. 
A Sense of Style
His own sense of style.  He doesn't need to try too hard or copy someone else's style, he just needs to be able to put together a somewhat attractive ensemble that reflects a bit of who he is. 
A Calming Vibe
If he's got cool written all over himself, and his gaze is calm, steady, and peaceful, his sex appeal will undoubtedly shoot through the roof.  Admittedly, women have a tendency to over worry about things we can't control, and having a man who sets us at ease by reminding us everything will work out in the end is completely, utterly and deliciously HOT.
Good Grooming
If he takes good care of himself, he's likely to take good care of his partner.  No need to get carried away with manicures, extreme exfoliation, moisturizing routines or over-waxing, but a clean-shaven, good smelling man with a great haircut is always a good bet.
A Sexy Wink
Not a loser cheesy wink.  A sexy sparkle in the eye type of wink.  Not obvious, not aggressive, no disgusting type of proposition.  Just a seductive little wink, with impeccable timing, and a tiny bit of shy mixed in there.  
Ample Displays of Affection
There are guys who reach out to their partner while driving, and those who keep both hands on the wheel.  Gents of the former group qualify as sexy.  It's amazing how many good looking guys are just a few points away from being downright handsome because they don't express their love and affection. 
A Handsome Manly Scent
Apparently our DNA compatibility dictates who smells good to us.  But any guy can augment his essence with a spritz of yummy cologne.  And remember, Axe is off limits.  
A Confident Walk
Don't shuffle, don't walk like you're on the runway, don't swagger, don't drag your feet.  Stand up straight, pull your shoulders back and walk with confidence, not with arrogance.   A good walk is always scrumptious.
He's Kind, Polite, and Respectful
Obvious, I know.  But SO important.  Seeing a man hug his mom, buy his sister flowers, babysit his nieces and nephews, open doors, and use the words "thank you" frequently is a totally wonderful sight.  

As another day in the lovely state of Montana comes to an end and I stare at my shopping bags full of hundreds of dollars of clothing, shoes and accessories, I find myself thinking, what makes women irresistible?  And more importantly, what makes me irresistible?  How do I up my irresistible quotient?  My Love Guru has lots to say about that in my current chapter of highly intellectual reading... 


  1. why can't you be gay!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'd be on you like a fat kid on a smartie!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. sorry stevie, i guess it's just not in the cards for us. it's a shame... we'd make real cute babies.
