Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Book is Lame

Very lame. I'm bored with it. The thought of talking to three new guys a day is, yes, getting much easier, but after hitting on gay guys, chatting up 18 year olds, scandalously flirting with married men, and dealing with one awkward moment after another, I think I need a break. I am still continuing with the assignments, and some of them are just as mortifying, if not more mortifying as writing my own personal love eulogy. I said I would see this thing through, and I will, but I needed a moment to rant.

Now for the truth. I knew it would come out once I started writing. I like Wild. Why would I want to deal with Norbert, MILFhunter and FunGSpot69, when I have a perfectly hansome, polite, and respectful prospect standing right in front of me? Don't get me wrong, Wild is not perfect. In the limited time that we have known eachother, he has already exhibited a pretty bad case of AHV. However, at this rate, his positive qualities seem to outweigh his negative qualities. And like I said, being charming, sexy and almost totally irresistible really helps his case. But still, one step at a time. I will remain open to all possibilities and all oppportunites, keep my head on straight, be honest, and most importantly- be myself. I will enjoy right now.

This is a hard thing for me. And maybe for most women. See, this is my Crazy Virus starting to come out. I freak out about the possibility of this all blowing up in my face, about Wild turning into a real pr*ck, and about being disappointed. I hate being disappointed. I also over-think everything that was said or done in the past, think about how I have been treated in the past, or worry about how the man in my life has treated women in his past. I am now accepting the fact that I am having a mild Crazy Virus outbreak, and choosing to relinquish my crazyness from this point forward. It's not required when living in the moment. And living in the moment is the best moment EVER.

Enjoying here, right now, this very second... is like the best, sweetest, juiciest part of the fruit. It's like a piece of scrumptious, slurpy, summer watermelon. The good stuff, right in the middle. When you're eating the watermelon and it tastes so amazingly delicious, it's easy to get greedy, devour the whole piece, and get too close to the green rind. In your voracious state of mind, you eat some of that white stuff, just before the green rind. You know, that nasty, bland, and sometimes bitter edge. Don't get ahead of yourself... the reason it doesn't taste good, is because that's not NOW. Stay where the sweet stuff is. The bitter stuff only tastes like crap because you're not supposed to be eating it. And maybe in your haste, you chomp on a few seeds. The seeds are those little nuggets of the past. They are in the sweet stuff to remind you of who you are and where you came from, but they are not required while enjoying the present. Those sharp, black crunchy reminders of past failed relationships or break-ups will always be around, but there's no need to deal with them while enjoying the present moment. So my point is enjoy the present... the sweet, yummyness of life... right now. This is the good stuff.

I guess I should probably take some of my own advice.


Everybody's got it. It comes in all shapes and sizes. Satchels, purses, over-sized suitcases, hockey bags, brief cases, backpacks. Louis Vuitton, distressed leather, Fendi, vintage, Prada. It could weigh 22 pounds, it could weigh 5 ounces. The point is, there is no escaping it. Where ever you travel, from continent to continent, or from relationship to relationship, there's always got to be some sort of baggage.

According to Canadian transportation regulations, all airline passengers are allowed two pieces of checked baggage each weighing no more than 50 pounds and with linear measurements less than 62 inches. Two pieces of carry-on baggage weighing less than 20 pounds are also permitted. So, how much baggage is too much baggage in a relationship?

I suppose it all depends on the situation. But let's just clarify, baggage isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just a fact of life. Baggage becomes negative when you let your amount or size of baggage influence your future travel plans, or how you treat your future travel companion. I definitely believe that anyone with baggage is completely capable of being successful in a relationship.

In the past, I think I may have been blissfully unaware of what exactly baggage is. But my encounters with Wild, who is 7 years my senior, have made me realize that everyone is carrying around some kind of shit or another. It definitely looks prettier if it's contained in a $5000 designer handbag, but it doesn't change the fact that it's going to have to be dealt with sooner or later.

My conclusion for dealing with baggage is much less scientific than any of my previous conclusions regarding AHV, but I think it's still equally important. So here it is.

If you had the opportunity to travel to your dream destination with your dream travel partner, the place that you have always wanted to go, the one location in the world that would make you feel fulfilled, happy and complete for the rest of your life, would you really give a shit about the baggage? Would you care if it got stolen at the airport, would you stress if it fell out of the plane and landed in the Pacific Ocean, would you even really care if it made it to your destination? It wouldn't matter if your baggage blew up, it wouldn't matter if you never saw it again, it wouldn't matter if you had to lug that crap from Venice to Beijing. Nothing would matter if you were with the person you were meant to be with, going to the place you were meant to be going.

So... chill the F out, everybody. Deal with your baggage, decide if you want to carry it on, check it, or forget it. Accept this decision, and accept others who are dealing with their own baggage.

Happy travels.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Now that I have your attention, I have an announcement to make (and no, I'm not engaged)...

I have made a ground breaking discovery. I have uncovered the truth about the virus that plagues so many. I have revealed a fascinating medical fact about men. I feel like the most brilliant female scientist to ever grace this planet with her beautiful presence. I have figured it all out. I'm going to be famous.

It is with great pride that I share this with all of you....

Assholes are like herpes.

Yes, it's a strange comparison, I admit. So, let me explain my findings.

First of all, all men are carriers of the Asshole Virus. Let's call it AHV for short. It's something genetic, I believe. Somewhere in their chromosomal composition, there is a little recipe for AHV. It's in all men. The thing is, much like herpes, any man can go on living a happy, fulfilled, healthy life while experiencing very few symptomatic outbreaks. Some men are actually able to lead an entire life without experiencing one AHV outbreak. However, this is extremely rare. There has only ever been one documented case. Most men, on the other hand, will have regular flare-ups. They may go for short or even extended periods of time leading loving, communicative relationships, but them BAM! AHV breaks out! Some men will lead their entire life with chronic AHV - red, inflamed, blisters of complete assholeness (not returning phone calls, acting like a whiney little bitch, selfishness, only communicating via text message, flaking out on plans, lying, cheating, drugs, abuse.. the list goes on). Not only are the outbreaks painful for the man experiencing them, but they are about 75% more painful and emotionally exhausting for his partner.

Much like Herpes Simplex, AHV is triggered by a few known things:
-Stress: a new job, financial worries, etc.
-Cold, flu, change in the immune system: we all know men are babies when they are sick. It only makes sense that they would turn into complete assholes too.
-Hormonal changes: when they are into someone, involved with a woman who they actually LIKE, love or care about... the hormones go wild. Yes that's right ladies, sometimes the worst cases of AHV are exhibited in men who actually care about you. This is terrifying.
-Trauma to the affected area: Trauma to the head- football, motorbike accident, you get the point.
But here's the really scary thing about AHV.... sometimes there is no apparent cause.

I've also discovered that once a man gets an outbreak or two, the outbreaks become less frequent and less often. This would explain why older men usually suffer less from AHV. AHV will usually present itself in adolescent men, and after several AHV outbreaks in their 20's, the symptoms seem to be less apparent in their 30's.

Now again, I'm not being a man hater. I mean, who am I to judge? Plus, this is all based on PURE scientific fact. And you know what? Nobody is perfect... women all have the Crazy Virus. The thing is is that women deal with this virus much more effectively than men deal with AHV. You see, I know when my Crazy Virus is rearing it's ugly little head. I know what aggravates it. I know when it's getting bad. I know how to control it.

So the point is is that all men have it in them. Every man is capable of being an asshole. Some are just better at knowing how to control it. And in some, you would never even know they had the asshole capabilities in them - their AHV may remain dormant their entire life. I guess what I'm saying is that it's not our job as single women to weed out the assholes, it's our job to understand, acknowledge and accept that all men, at some point or another, will have the tendency to be an asshole. I guess all we can do is try to control our own Crazy Virus, in hopes of finding a man who can control his AHV.

My team of scientists and I are currently working on a cure. I will keep you posted with my discoveries.

Yours in health.

Friday, May 14, 2010

26 Things I Love About Myself For My 26th Birthday

As I rapidly approach my descent into oblivion (T minus two days), I have decided that rather than dwelling on my commencement into the days of cellulite, grey hairs, and crowsfeet, I would celebrate all the wonderful things that I have to offer. This is going to be tough. I've been thinking about this for a few days, and I have only come up with three things. Jokes aside, I think this is important. I think we should all know what we love about ourselves. I mean really, if you don't love yourself, how is anybody else supposed to love you? And why would they want to? I'm no relationship expert or anything, but it's difficult to love someone who doesn't know who they are and doesn't love who they are.

So, my friends, I am going to try to take off my self-deprecating, sarcastic bitch hat and try this out.

26 Things I Love About Myself

1. I sing in the shower. Sometimes very loud. Usually Lady Gaga.
2. My ass. Ghetto booty, junk in the trunk, large and in charge... whatever you wanna call it, it's pretty awesome.
3. My acceptance of constructive criticism and my on-going guest to grow and self-reflect.
4. I love yoga.
5. I am a freakin' amazing cook . I can modify, create and spontaneously throw together some pretty scrumptious recipes.
6. I thoroughly enjoy my own company.
7. I look for the best in all people and all situations and whole-heartedly believe that we experience all the lows in life so we can fully appreciate the highs.
8. My enviably long, sultry eyelashes.
9. I adore, respect and look up to my mom, but am now a strong independent person that she adores and respects and looks up to as well.
10. I make a mess. When I cook, paint, or draw, I am left covered in flour, paint, charcoal and my condo usually looks like a bomb went off inside.
11. I often find myself thinking, "I have nothing to wear," when in reality, I have too many clothes to comprehend and at any given moment the re-inforced metal rod in my closet may rip its extra strength bolts out of the wall and crumble to the ground.
12. I stand up for what I know is right. Even if it's controversial or might get me in trouble.
13. My face turns bright red, my knees get wobbly and I get the serious giggles after ONE glass of wine.
14. My family and friends are the most important thing in the world to me.
15. I hate wearing shoes. Bare foot is the way to be, people!
16. I mean what I say. Always.
17. I'm kind of a domestic goddess. I'm also very humble. Hah.
18. I love babies. And I know I will be a fantastic mom someday.
19. I don't take myself too seriously. I have experienced far too many moments of complete and utter embarassment to take myself seriously. I am verbally and physically clumsy which always seems to create some kind of ridiculousness.
20. I get stuck in the car wash on a regular basis. I don't know what it is, but I think I must be cursed. I can't tell you how many times I have been stuck in the automatic carwash thingy honking my horn like a maniac as I wait for the dorky little attendant to come let me out.
21. My love for chocolate is perpetual, immortal, and enduring. Please refer to item #2.
22. I like to help people. Like, actually. I really do. It makes me feel fulfilled and happy.
23. I give RAD hugs.
24. I am always finding new ways to do things. I don't like to be in a rut. Whether it's making latte's from coconut milk or figuring out another route to work, it's always fun.
25. I can usually put a smile on someone's face. Even when they are REALLY grumpy.

Not as bad as I thought. Now go and do the same!

I leave you with one of my favourite quotes:
"Love yourself, accept yourself, forgive yourself and be good to yourself. Because without you, the rest of us are without a source of many things wonderful." -Leonardo Buscaglia

It's my birthdaaaaaaay!!! Weeeeee!


I went on another date last night. I was really nervous about this one. I have been a little nervous in the past, but just the thought of this date was inducing a serious case of the butterflies. I think it's because we had talked SO much before hand - through e-mail, text, phone conversations - that I was just SO excited to meet this guy. Let's call him Wild. You'll understand why in a bit.

So the itinerary of my date with Wild is far less exciting and juicy than the actual date and conversation itself. Because the conversation was AMAZING. A few reasons why: He did not possess ONE quality on my Douchebag List... not one. Thank the Lord. He successfully completed all of my First Date Etiquette rules...with flying colours, might I add. AND he fulfilled NINE out of ten Traits of Irresistible Men. The only one he hasn't fulfilled is the sexy wink thing, only because I haven't seen him wink yet. And really, the only person who can actually wink sexy without looking like a total moron is Richard Gere, so whatever, we'll let this one slide. So basically what I am telling you is that this man is a f*cking saint.

OR... maybe he's just had 33 years of experience of charming the pants off of girls. Yes, there is a 7 year age difference between us. Get over it, Mom. I am. :)

So after an amazing first date, I am left wondering, is this too good to be true?

I'm choosing to think that it's definitely true, and that this guy is the real thing. Besides, he knows the weird things about me and is STILL so into me. This is rare. Once guys find out that I won't eat chicken from a certain restaurant because it's pumped with antibiotics and hormones, or that I think vaccines are poison, or watch me ask the owner of the gelato shop why they don't have recycling bins to recycle the little plastic gelato cups, they usually go running for the hills. But not Wild. I mean we talked for a good 15 minutes about how he likes to buy the $6.50 eggs from Community and how his buddies all give him a hard time for eating expensive organic stuff. I like this guy. We also have a pretty sweet deal - he will teach me to dirt bike if I teach him yoga. See, that's where the Wild comes in - the dirt biking... this guy is definitely a man's man. And spontaneous and fun. And being tall, muscular and downright delicious with beautiful green eyes doesn't hurt either.

The bonus: we have mutual friends. He also knows my brothers. And also knows that there is a good chance that they will remove his testicles if he turns into an asshole. So, these are all good things. And I would imagine that I would be informed if he was a total manwhore.

Oh goodness, I really like this one.

Actually maybe I'm not feeling so well. I could be coming down with something. I mean, it's going around, isn't it? I think it's the flu. It must be the flu. Yep, that constant incessant butterfly feeling in my tummy has GOT to be the flu...


Sunday, May 9, 2010

10 Traits of Irresistible Men

So I have obviously figured out what it is that I don't want in a man, but after another contemplative day, I have compiled a collection of traits that seem to be universally and undeniably sexy.  I don't know what it is, but a guy with these traits gets instant brownie points.  And makes me weak in the knees. 

A Great Sense of Humour
But not stupid humour.  Quoting South Park and Family Guy repetitively gets old real quick.  A guy with an intelligent, witty sense of humour who can make us laugh loud and laugh often, is completely and totally charming.  
Good With His Hands
Any guy who can build things, fix cars, play the guitar, cook or paint has instant points in the HOT column.  I'm not sure what it is, but knowing that a guy is good with his hands in other areas of life, might mean there's a hope in hell that he's good with his hands in bed. 
A Sense of Style
His own sense of style.  He doesn't need to try too hard or copy someone else's style, he just needs to be able to put together a somewhat attractive ensemble that reflects a bit of who he is. 
A Calming Vibe
If he's got cool written all over himself, and his gaze is calm, steady, and peaceful, his sex appeal will undoubtedly shoot through the roof.  Admittedly, women have a tendency to over worry about things we can't control, and having a man who sets us at ease by reminding us everything will work out in the end is completely, utterly and deliciously HOT.
Good Grooming
If he takes good care of himself, he's likely to take good care of his partner.  No need to get carried away with manicures, extreme exfoliation, moisturizing routines or over-waxing, but a clean-shaven, good smelling man with a great haircut is always a good bet.
A Sexy Wink
Not a loser cheesy wink.  A sexy sparkle in the eye type of wink.  Not obvious, not aggressive, no disgusting type of proposition.  Just a seductive little wink, with impeccable timing, and a tiny bit of shy mixed in there.  
Ample Displays of Affection
There are guys who reach out to their partner while driving, and those who keep both hands on the wheel.  Gents of the former group qualify as sexy.  It's amazing how many good looking guys are just a few points away from being downright handsome because they don't express their love and affection. 
A Handsome Manly Scent
Apparently our DNA compatibility dictates who smells good to us.  But any guy can augment his essence with a spritz of yummy cologne.  And remember, Axe is off limits.  
A Confident Walk
Don't shuffle, don't walk like you're on the runway, don't swagger, don't drag your feet.  Stand up straight, pull your shoulders back and walk with confidence, not with arrogance.   A good walk is always scrumptious.
He's Kind, Polite, and Respectful
Obvious, I know.  But SO important.  Seeing a man hug his mom, buy his sister flowers, babysit his nieces and nephews, open doors, and use the words "thank you" frequently is a totally wonderful sight.  

As another day in the lovely state of Montana comes to an end and I stare at my shopping bags full of hundreds of dollars of clothing, shoes and accessories, I find myself thinking, what makes women irresistible?  And more importantly, what makes me irresistible?  How do I up my irresistible quotient?  My Love Guru has lots to say about that in my current chapter of highly intellectual reading... 

The Land of the Big Sky

I'm currently down in the good ol' US of A partaking in some very thorough retail therapy.  For no reason.  The therapy was not required, but some how using that term makes us feel better about maxing out the Visas at Target.  

All these big open spaces, long, endless highways, and beautiful blue skies bring a girl to reflect a little.  So, here are my reflections on the last week.

Yoga Man e-mailed me after the incredibly awkward encounter at the yoga studio.  We went out for coffee last Tuesday night.  Not good.  He broke some MAJOR first date rules.  I have done some serious contemplating about first date etiquette since, and here is what I have come up with (pay attention, men):
1.) Don't be late - being late is the first indicator of disrespect in my books.
2.) Smell good and look good - in this day and age, there's is no excuse for looking shabby.  Iron your shirt, you slob.
3.) Open doors - duh.  
4.) Listen  - are you really listening when you have asked me about something I have already told you three times?  And oh yeah, don't talk to my boobs.  They won't respond.
5.) Pay - I think this is important.  After the first date, this rule may no longer be applicable.  But on the first date, the man pays.  That's all there is to it.  

Ok, so when you read over that list, there's really only five simple rules to remember.  And most of them might seem quite obvious.  However, it is shocking how few men actually follow all of these guidelines on a first date.  And not even just on a first date.  Shouldn't you always hold the door open for people?  I do.  And I'm not a guy on a first date.

Anyways, I guess it all comes down to respect.  I don't need someone to be my man slave, but I DO need someone to respect me and to treat me like a human being.  And a first date that consists of more than uncomfortable coffee conversation, a movie, or something equally as lame would be nice.  Is that too much to ask?

And by the way, the selection of hot, single men in Montana is limited.  Unless you're into Park Rangers, head-to-toe camo, or a guy that carries a gun that's bigger than you are.  

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Cuddles, anyone?

Can friends cuddle?

I don't think so. Which is a shame, because I am a big-time cuddler. But I think friends cuddling is dangerous territory. My other friends seem to think it's ok. Maybe it's ok with clear guidelines and honest communication, but I think at some point, somebody is going to want to do more than cuddle. And there's a reason that you're only friends in the first place, so why would you ruin your perfectly functional friendship with a cuddle disaster? Cuddling is a slippery slope, I say. It's like a gateway drug. You cuddle one night, and the next night you're shooting heroine. Or screwing your friend. You get my point.

So, the moral of the story: practice safe cuddling. Communication is key.
I'm still not going to do it though.

And one more little tidbit of humour for this gloomy Tuesday morning. I will now decode and translate my most recent message:

Hi Sweetie, [Don't call me sweetie, you jackass. You don't even know me. Not ok.]

I really liked your profile. [Really? Did you even read it? What did you like so much?]
You sure have the nicest smile I've seen in a long time. [LAME. Are you serious? That's the best you can do for a compliment?]
Let's chat. [In your dreams.]
I'll show you a good time sometime. [Yeah, I bet, you perv.]

Talk to you soon, [Mmm.. nope!]

(username: FunGspot69)

And in case you've been wondering why I was such a negative bitch about this message, this is why, my friends! Anyone with the numbers 69 in their username is instantly disqualified. This username is especially terrible because those two digits are combined with the word "G Spot." Are you kidding me? Who comes up with this shit?

So I think I'm going to start a business. All hopeless, pathetic, clueless guys with no style, no social skills and absolutely no manners... please call me. For a small fee of $250 I will take your profile pictures, make you the best fucking online profile known to man, take you shopping for your date outfit, help you plan your first date, and send you on your way into romance.

Ladies, you can thank me later.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Exciting Weekend

Ok, here we go. So many thoughts to include in this post. What a weekend!
It's funny though, because I get all shy and think maybe I shouldn't blog about certain situations, but when I realize how much fun I am having and how totally awesome life is, I know I need to write.

I taught a hot yoga class on Friday morning. This man walks into the lobby in a hoodie, signs his name on the sign in sheet and as he is finishing writing his last name, I look up, make eye contact and am instantly stricken with complete horror. Which for me, translates into RED cheeks, heart palpitations and the feeling as though both legs will completely collapse beneath me. I know him. He knows me. We get silent and awkward as we stare at eachother for what seemed like 3 years. He then breaks the stare and quickly shuffles into the men's change room. I've talked to him on What are the chances that he would end up at my class? SO strange. Anyways, I didn't let my nerves get the best of me. I marched into that class, sweat up a storm, and taught my little heart out. (Sidenote: the man looks very good without a shirt on). After class I decided I had a few options. After prancing around in a sports bra (no make-up, crazy bedhead, super sweaty) in front of this stranger for 90 minutes, the option that sounded most appealing was to hide in the change room for 20 minutes and wait for him to leave... completely avoiding the entire situation. The option that I thought was most mature and logical was to introduce myself with a good firm handshake and thank him for being in the class. Very yoga of me, right? So I did. I walked right up to him and said, "I'm sorry, I should have introduced myself earlier. I know we know eachother. So great to meet you in person. I hope you had a great class." He was really nice, kind of shy, said thanks, and bolted out of there. Haven't heard much since. Perplexing. But awkward nonetheless.

So yesterday, I go shopping with one of my best guy friends. He's amazing. He will happily sit in the change rooms for half an hour as I try on a million outfits and give me the most honest opinions:
"Your ass looks huge."
"You can do way better."
"You look smokin.'"
"SOOO not you, way too girlie."
"I'd do you if you were wearing that outfit."
He's not gay, he's just awesome and honest. We tried to go on a date once a while back. No fireworks. We had the talk. And now we're friends. He shares his girl stories. I share my guy stories. And he helps me buy clothes. Pretty sweet deal, I'd say.

So after a great day with my friend (we're going to nick name him Flash - I always bug him about being too flashy), we say our good-byes and he leaves me with a great little pep talk for my date. Yes people, I had a date last night. Flash says, "flirtacious activities with lots of body contact" are best for dates. So, bowling, playing pool, mini-golf, that kind of stuff. He also told me to wear low rise jeans and a low cut top. See what I mean by flashy?

As I am getting ready for my date, I get an amazing text message from one of my most wonderful male friends. He is such a strong role model in my life. I value and respect his opinion and advice immensely (he has a girlfriend and kids, for the record). His message reads: "Be authentic. If he isn't authentic, run don't walk. Superior men spoil, protect and take care of their women. Always remember that. And most of all, have fun." I love this guy.

So off I go, to my date. (This is technically the second date, we had coffee on Thursday night). We went to Starbucks, got a mocha and an orange blossom tea and had a nice chat. Then we went to the grocery store to get movie snacks to enjoy while watching Avatar. All in all, a great night. Pretty mellow, really comfortable, no awkwardness, no lulls in conversation, nothing creepy. Plus, the guy has got it together. Has a good job, owns a great house, nice car, motorbike, no creepy ex-girlfriend stories, no kids, no terrible habits. What I like the most about him so far: he's totally himself. And I could pick up on that instantly. And he encourages me to be myself too. It's also awesome that his name is not Norbert. Just sayin.
So I'd say, it was a success. We'll see what happens.

So my assignments for this weeks portion of my 90 day protocal include signing up for ANOTHER online dating site. WHAT THE F*CK, lady?! It's like a full time job filtering through all the winks, e-mails and matches on one site, how am I supposed to manage TWO?? I'm not sure about this. She says I need to get my two best friends (one male, one female) to write a paragraph about me to include in my online dating profile.

Next, I have to put it out there that I am looking for love. That sounds pathetic. "Hi there, how are you? I'm looking for love." Love Guru says I need to tell everyone I know that I am looking for a quality guy, be open to being set up, and date "outside of my type," giving lots of guys a chance. THEN, I need to date three guys at once for three weeks. Sorry, but I'm looking for a boyfriend, not for a part-time job as a whore. I don't know how to do this. Getting one date is hard enough, getting three seems nearly impossible. Plus, I'm not sure I want to. I talked to Brother #2 about this (as he seems to have no problem dating more than one girl at a time) and he explained some sort of 3-tiered system to me. I don't understand it enough to be able to explain it. His own explanation was a little convoluted. The general jist of our convo was that it's all fair until you start sleeping with someone. Then you need to start eliminating tiers. Interesting concept. We'll see how this goes. I'm so old-fashioned. And way too honest. A blessing and a curse.

Anyways, I would like to conclude this random mish-mash of thoughts by clarifying a few things. First and foremost, I am not a man-hater. My recent posts may have been a little negative toward our male counter-parts. I think men are great. I just think they're kind of weird. I guess maybe if I am calling men stupid, they are certainly entitled to think we're complicated. Maybe if they weren't so dumb, they wouldn't find us complicated though. Anyways, I digress. My point: I am, by no means, a man-hater. My second point to clarify, I don't NEED a man. I am completely happy, content, secure and stable being by myself. I enjoy my own company, I am confident and I am independent. I just feel as though the special moments in life are most enjoyable when shared with someone else. I think that my already amazing life would be exponentially increased in amazingness if it was complimented by another amazing (and handsome) individual.
