Friday, November 12, 2010


So I have just finished my first week of intensive scoliosis correction down in Florida. It has been an emotional (and physical) roller coaster. The first day hit me like a ton of bricks, as what I was experiencing was FAR beyond anything that I had ever imagined. Day 2 and 3 were emotional and painful and Day 4 was absolutely brutal. Yesterday, I was completely exhausted. My body was just done. I was in incredible amounts of pain and I was completely drained. At the end of Day 4, we took another set of x-rays, and I came back to the condo and crashed. Although sleep is barely sleep when every once of your body is throbbing. Today was my turn-around day. I felt so much better this morning. Especially after seeing my x-rays! That huge curve that you see in the x-ray below is a 43 degree curve. After four days, it's down to 34 degrees. Still some work to do for sure, but we are all so thrilled with these positive changes. My doctors say that now that my spine is finally moving, we will be able to get some deep changes next week. It has not been easy, but it's all worth it!

I can feel all the positive vibes and thoughts and prayers every single minute of every single day and I so grateful. I am so lucky to have such amazing people thinking of me and taking care of me. Thank you.

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