Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Ovaries Ache

Yes, you read right. I said it. My ovaries ache.

Translation: I want babies. Don't tell people; this is not something to be excited about. This is causing turmoil in my life. And no, Wild does not know that I have baby fever. Way to make a new boyfriend immediately vanish. I'm good enough at that as it is. Hah. But he can't be oblivious... I mean, he must see how I instantly fixate on any child within a 10 meter radius of us, how all I talk about is my best friends new little baby who I can't get enough of, and how I literally attract them. I swear, I am a baby magnet. They flock to me. It's like I'm a much hotter version of Dora the Explorer. Or Barney. Justin Bieber? Or something. Nevermind, bad analogy. You get the point.

But anyways... back to the turmoil part. My biological clock is ticking. The ticking is interfering with my other clocks, and all this noice is getting irritating. And quite honestly, it's making me a crazy person. I have never really even believed in the whole biological clock thing. I always just thought it was a funny term that women used when they were getting tired of being in a relationship lacking commitment, or in another unsettling place in life.

Well, after a little research (very reputable sources: Wikipedia, etc.), I have confirmed that there IS in fact such a thing as a biological clock. In fact, all human beings, plants and animals have an internal clock that tells us when to eat, sleep, wake up... the list goes on. So it only makes sense that I have two monstrous clocks taking over my ovaries and wreacking havock on my emotions. Seriously people, I'm only 26, what's my problem?

I hate to have timelines. I feel like we all put so much pressure on ourselves to get things done by a certain time, to have this many credentials, to make this much money, to have this promotion by this time.... like really, we all need to chill the f*ck out and enjoy life. I have never been one to put timelines on the progression of my own life. I will get married when I will get married. I will have kids when I have kids. Putting a date on those events is lame. Not fun. And not healthy. Yet, here I am, having infant urges.

I think this will pass, though. It's just a phase. And realistically, I am in no position to have a baby right now (my boss would kill me). And really, it's not a bad thing that I am excited about being a mom (in the future), right? It just means that I know what I want for my life. My life work will be my family. I am here to be a sister and a daughter, but I am also here to be an incredible wife and an amazing mother, and I know that will happen sometime. I guess maybe I just get excited about the possibilities.

But for now....

Ovaries, you need to shut the hell up. Seriously. Let's not get in a fight now. I'm going to need you later.

1 comment:

  1. finn REALLY wants a little brother or sister though... PLEASE?? :)

